Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Webb gets Cained

CHW 6  SF 2

The Giants lost to the worst team in baseball despite another great start (8 IP, 5 H, 2 R, 0 W, 6 K) from Logan Webb. He was efficient, too: 93 pitches to 27 batters. Once he was pulled from the game the two guys in the 9th (Erik Miller and Spencer Bivens) combined to give up four runs. The Giants had their chances, of course. And they squandered them, of course. It's hard to believe a team can hit this badly in run-scoring opportunities!

It's an off-day tomorrow, thank goodness. I need a break! This team is maddening.

After that it's a weekend series in Seattle. The rotation has not been posted on the website but it looks like Birdsong-Snell-Harrison.

Go Giants!


1 comment:

nomisnala said...

Lack of moving runners up has been brutal. A lead off double, or triple, or bases loaded with no outs, does not lead to a run. Back to back doubles does not guarantee a run for this team. Being it is the whole team that is having this problem game after game, I have to blame the issue on the approach taken by management. Notice how even with men in scoring position with no outs or one out, guys continue to guess at pitches with 2 strikes. Sometimes taking a fastball right down the middle. I noticed that even the last place whitesox, when they needed a hit with men on, often shortened their swings, went with the pitch and hit against the defense. Even this horrible losing team, did what they had to do to beat the giants in a Webb start. On the other hand, the giants gave up many of their hits with 2 strikes.